Weather at Bedford, Hanscom Field, MA - via NOAA's National Weather Service

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

In the Garden

Now that spring is so clearly on the way, I am looking around my garden spots. Living in the woods as I do, I don't have clearly defined gardens, but I do have some cultivated plants and a small herb garden. I raked off the protective leaves this afternoon, and found my parsley, sage and thyme all ready to begin again. I bring the rosemary into the house in the winter because it is not hardy enough to withstand the Massachusetts winter. This will be the second year for this parsley, so I'll put in another young one this spring. I'd love to plant seeds, but I don't have enough sun, so I get a little seedling pot to give the plant a head start. I also have oregano and marjoram in the garden, and I always try to grow some basil, but, again because of lack of sun, it struggles.
(The upside of living in a shady place is that our house stays nice and cool in the hot weather, until it gets really humid.)
And my tulips are beginning to peek out of the ground. I hope we get to see them bloom this year. We were gone for a week in April last year, and when we returned, the deer had nibbled away at the poor things and we never got to see those colorful blooms.


  1. TULIPS, yay! I wonder how are your mosquitos and black flies?

  2. pretty bad, when the weather gets warm enough!


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