Weather at Bedford, Hanscom Field, MA - via NOAA's National Weather Service

Monday, July 20, 2009


We've actually had quite a few nice days in a row now - it finally feels like summer. The day lilies are blooming and the turk's cap lilies are beginning to bloom. And lots of baby birds around. Up in Maine over the weekend we saw a mama mallard with two ducklings, and yesterday a mama turkey with a whole brood of poults (baby turkeys) - I couldn't count them all (we were driving), but I bet there were at least 12. And then a bunch of wrens - I think they must have been fledging, judging by the tentative behavior and the fact that there were several in the same area.

You can barely see the sky from my house these days, with all the trees in full leaf. Usually that is a good thing in the summer - keeps the heat down inside the house - and now that the weather is warming up, I think we'll appreciate it again. Sometimes I wouldn't mind a little more sun, but then I can go for a walk to one of the meadows nearby, or up on the power lines, where there is a lot of edge habitat and I can get a great look at lots of cool stuff. Plus, the blueberries on the power lines are coming ripe, and they make a really tasty snack!

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